Suttons Bay OWI Defense Lawyers
OWI and Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers in Suttons Bay, Michigan
The Suttons Bay, Michigan OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group are here to help you if you’ve been arrested or charged with an OWI. If you’ve been arrested or charged with an OWI, you are innocent until proven guilty. With the assistance of a Suttons Bay OWI defense lawyer, you may be able to avoid some of the worse consequences of an OWI.
An OWI conviction carries significant criminal and collateral consequences. If you are found guilty of an OWI, you could face jail time, community service, fines, driver’s license suspension, and points on your driving record. An OWI conviction also carries significant collateral consequences, which can include increased insurance costs, loss of commercial or professional licensure, loss of your ability to travel outside the country, and even deportation if you are in the USA on a visa.
The OWI defense attorneys in Suttons Bay, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can take the time to review your case, build your OWI defense, negotiate a plea deal, and help you protect your reputation and your rights. We can help you navigate the driver’s license reinstatement process and can help you apply for a restricted license. Our Suttons Bay OWI defense law firm is here to help you navigate the criminal justice system and bureaucratic processes that follow from an OWI arrest, charge, or conviction.

Should I Take an OWI Plea Bargain?
One of the questions you might have if you have been charged with an OWI is whether you should take an OWI plea bargain. Prosecutors may want to save the state the time and money of a trial and may offer you a plea deal if you have been charged with an OWI. In some cases, a plea deal may come with reduced charges, a reduced jail sentence, or other benefits. Before you accept a plea bargain, you may want to speak to your OWI defense lawyer in Suttons Bay, Michigan. It is important to understand the consequences of accepting a plea deal. Even if your plea deal helps you avoid jail time, you could still end up with a criminal record and the collateral consequences of having an OWI on your record. You could also still potentially end up with a restricted license, increased insurance rates, and other consequences. Your OWI defense lawyer in Suttons Bay, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can review the plea bargain being offered to you and help you decide if the particular plea bargain you are being offered is right for you.
An OWI defense lawyer in Suttons Bay, Michigan may also be able to help you negotiate a plea deal if you’ve been charged with an OWI. Our attorneys can review your case, and work with prosecutors to help you get the best possible plea bargain. Before choosing to accept a plea bargain you and your Suttons Bay, Michigan OWI lawyer might ask the following questions:
- How strong is the state’s case? How much evidence does the state have? Police are granted great leeway in gathering evidence when they suspect that a person has been driving while intoxicated. For example, under Michigan’s implied consent laws, you could have your license suspended for refusing to submit to a breath or blood alcohol test. Refusal to take such a test could also be used as evidence against you.
- Are there circumstances that could result in a strong defense (improper stop, civil rights violation)?
- Is there a way to negotiate a better plea deal than the one you have?
- If you were to lose at trial, what are the consequences and how do they compare to the consequences you face if you take a plea deal?
- What are the collateral consequences of taking a plea deal? Increased insurance rates? Would taking a deal put your professional license or immigration status at risk, if applicable?
These are just some of the things to consider before taking a plea bargain for an OWI. The OWI defense attorneys in Suttons Bay, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to help you navigate the legal process and criminal justice system. You are not alone. Reach out to our Suttons Bay, Michigan OWI defense attorneys today.
How Can I Get my Driver’s License Back After an OWI?
If you have lost your driver’s license because you were convicted of an OWI in Suttons Bay, Michigan, the OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group may be able to help you. We may be able to help you petition the court to have your license reinstated with restrictions. While you may only be able to drive to work, school, or to substance abuse treatment programs, losing your driving privileges entirely can have an impact on your work, your education, and your recovery. You may need to have an ignition interlock device installed. If you lost your driver’s license under Michigan’s implied consent laws, you may need to seek a hearing. The OWI defense lawyers in Suttons Bay, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can help you navigate the process.
Finally, if you have served your time and are eligible to get your license reinstated after an OWI conviction, the OWI defense lawyers in Suttons Bay, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to help. We can help you navigate the system to help you get your full driving privileges back.
If you have questions about how an OWI arrest, charge, or conviction might impact your driver’s license, reach out to the OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group today to learn more.
How Can I Contact an OWI Defense Lawyer in Suttons Bay, Michigan?
The OWI defense attorney in Suttons Bay, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group is here to help you navigate the aftermath of an OWI charge or arrest. If you have been arrested for an OWI, you have the right to remain silent and have the right to ask to speak to your OWI lawyer. The OWI defense attorneys in Suttons Bay, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 800-525-6386.