Bacterial Contamination in Similac Baby Formula
Neumann Law Group is Now Evaluating Claims for Injuries Related to Baby Formula Contaminated With Bacteria
On February 17, 2022, Abbott Nutrition, the manufacturers of Similac baby formula announced a formal recall of baby formula produced at its Sturgis, Michigan facility. This recall includes the Abbott Nutrition brands EleCare and Alimentum. These specific lots of powdered baby formulas were contaminated with Cronobacter sakazaakii, a highly dangerous bacteria, especially for babies.
As of March 10, 2022, the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) reported that so far, four infants have been infected with Cronobacter as a result of eating baby formula from the Sturgis facility, and that two of those children have died.
Symptoms of Cronobacter Infection

Cronobacter infection symptoms first typically show as infants refusing to eat, irritability, fevers, jaundice (yellow skin and whites of the eyes), grunting breaths, low energy, and seizures or abnormal body movement. Since the gastrointestinal systems of infants are less developed, it is more difficult for their systems to contain the bacteria. Bowel damage can occur allowing it to spread throughout the bloodstream. As a result, these babies are in danger of developing sepsis, a severe blood infection. They are also at risk for developing meningitis, a deadly condition causing inflammation of the membranes protecting the brain and spine. These infants can end up with devastating, long-lasting deficits such as hearing loss, vision problems, seizures, and learning disabilities. It is widely stated that 50% of infants infected with Cronobacter die. There has also been one report of Salmonella in connection with this outbreak.
This Could Have Been Stopped
In September of 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) learned of a case of an infant in Minnesota who was hospitalized with a Cronobacter sakazakii infection. Officials determined that the child ate powdered baby formula manufactured by Abbott Nutrition. Officials who visited the Sturgis, Michigan facility found many violations of health and safety regulations that would prevent such contaminations. There was evidence of the bacteria in numerous sections of the facility. There were violations of regulations in place to prevent growth of bacteria. The company had also destroyed baby formula because of the issue rather than reporting it. All of these deficiencies led to the injuries and deaths of infant children. Similar findings were made by the FDA at the Sturgis facility two years prior as well and no action was taken. There are requests at this time for investigations into the FDA’s handling of the baby formula marketplace.
Similar Claims Against Abbott and Similac
There are also claims being filed against Similac and its manufacturer, Abbott concerning premature children who have been diagnosed with Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) from the use of their cow’s milk-based baby formula. This condition is also related to exposure to Cronobacter sakazakii bacteria and causes decay of the intestines. The Neumann Law Group is also investigating the cow’s milk-based baby formula claims on behalf these families.
Contact Neumann Law Group About Contaminated Similac Baby Formula Lawsuit
The Neumann Law Group is currently standing with families whose infants have been injured by Abbott’s baby formula brands. Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare. If your child has consumed baby formula contaminated with Cronobacter sakazakii or Salmonella and was hospitalized, please call us so that we may evaluate your claim. You could be entitled to a monetary settlement.

Profit over people is never okay, but when our children’s safety is put on the line for gain, and it is obvious that Abbott and Similac have a history of doing so. Baby formula is used for one purpose: to provide nutrition to infants and help them thrive and grow. When companies like Abbot and Similac are content with injuries and death occurring from the use of their products, they must be held accountable.
The following product serial numbers and lot numbers are those affected, and you should be sure to check all products in your home to ensure that your child is safe:
- Similac PM 60/40 powdered formula:
- Lot # 27032K80 (can)
- Lot # 27032K800 (case)
- Similac, Alimentum, or EleCare powdered baby formula products recalled on February 17 have all three of these markings:
- First two digits are 22 through 37, AND;
- Code on the container contains “K8,” “SH,” or “Z2,” AND;
- Use-by date is April 1, 2022, or later
Please reach out as soon as possible and speak with one of our qualified product liability intake specialists at (800) 525-6386 or complete our online form for information on how to get started. We have attorneys in Traverse City, Grand Rapids, and Detroit waiting to assist you in this difficult time and we are glad to provide support in any way we can.