Debt Collection Attorneys

The Debt Collection Attorneys at Neumann Law Group represent companies and individuals in the collection of any outstanding debt owed. The debt in the United States has been increasing exponentially for decades and many people and businesses have found themselves in debt to the tune of thousands of dollars to other parties. This can include medical debt, unsecured loans, student loans, credit card debt, mortgage defaults, auto loan defaults, over drafted bank accounts, and unpaid attorney fees.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which is imposed by the Federal Trade Commission, lays out very specific rules and limits that are designed to prevent abusive and unfair debt collection methods. Further, in the State of Michigan, the Michigan Collection Practices Act implements specific practices that govern debt collections in Michigan. Neumann Law Group’s Debt Collection Attorneys are careful to strictly follow the rules and procedures laid out in these Acts.
How is Debt Collected?
Most debt is passed on to a third-party debt collection agency; however, enlisting the help of an experienced collections attorney is certainly the fastest way to receive results and faster payment. Debt collection agencies cannot bring lawsuits against debtors. While they may call and send letters to consumers, often times their requests are ignored. Despite reports to credit agencies or employers, most consumers are still not compelled to pay off this debt as they do not take these agencies seriously.
Why Hire a Debt Collection Attorney?
Neumann Law Group’s attorneys who specialize in debt collection are aware of all of the specific rules, guidelines, and procedures required to successfully and promptly regain any debt owed to you. An attorney still tries to make initial contact with the debtor to attempt to resolve the debt without the need for litigation. Most times, when contacted by an attorney, debtors are more likely to take the demands for repayment more seriously. A debt collection attorney has the right to warn consumers and businesses legal action can, and will, be taken if the debt is not repaid. This is something that collection agencies cannot legally do.
There are time limits on the pursuit of debt collection. In Michigan, a debt collector has six (6) years from your last payment to collect on that debt. Once a judgment lien is obtained, the debt can be pursued forever as long as the judgment is renewed every ten (10) years. We can help you collect a reasonable and fair settlement of the debt owed to you as quickly as possible.
What Do We Do?
The debt collection attorneys at Neumann Law Group are serious and aggressive when it comes to collecting your unpaid debt. Below are the steps we will take to ensure the debt is paid and accounted for legally.
- Pre-Suit Collections—our debt collection attorneys will prepare demand letters to the debtors in an attempt to settle the debt without taking legal action. Our clients benefit greatly from any pre-suit resolution as to prevent the protracted time and cost of lawsuits.
- Lawsuits—if a demand letter does not help resolve the debt, our debt collection attorneys may file a lawsuit against the person who owes the debt. This often leads to a default judgment against the debtor and our debt collection attorneys can take the appropriate measures to collect the debt with a Court’s permission.
- Obtaining Judgment Liens—a judgment lien can result in tax garnishments, wage garnishments, seizure of valuable property, decline in credit records, and even home foreclosures and bank account levies. If a debtor fails to respond to a debt collection attorneys Complaint, the lien will be requested.
- Enforcing Judgment Liens—our debt collection attorneys will use creative, professional, and effective methods for enforcing any judgment liens. We will ensure that the unpaid debt is recovered. Our team will file all necessary paperwork with the Courts, IRS, and the State in order to legally record the judgments and accurately calculate any interest that grows on that debt. We will also use electronic research methods to identify property owned by debtors to make sure that all property is accounted for and maintain follow up to see whether the debtor purchases any additional collectible property.
- Property Seizure—when appropriate, the Court may issue an Order to Seize Property. This includes vehicles and money from a debtor. An experienced debt collection attorney can help locate all property that should be seized and coordinate with Court Officers to seize the property. Personal property must be taken first in an attempt to settle the debt. If the sale of that property is not enough to cover the debt, the collections attorney may pursue the debtors’ homes and other real property.
- Domestication of Foreign Judgments—if you have obtained a judgment lien outside of the State of Michigan, we can help with the complex process of domesticating the judgments, and therefore making them enforceable outside of the State or Country in which it was originally issued.
- Confirmation of Arbitration Award—If you have participated in arbitration proceedings, at the state or federal level, the award cannot be truly enforced until that Court confirms it. Anytime within a year of the award, one can petition the Court to ensure a judgment in put into place. This is especially important if you feel that the adverse party is not going to pay the arbitration award or has outright refused to do so. Once this judgment is entered, it is enforceable just like any other Judgment Lien.

If you are trying to recover a debt, you should contact the Detroit, Grand Rapids, and Traverse City debt collections attorneys at Neumann Law Group. We have a firm understanding of appropriate collections tactics and how to collect a debt after obtaining a judgment so that you can recover what you are owed, whether you are an individual or represent a business. We represent creditors in Petoskey, Warren, Holland, Midland, Muskegon, Saginaw, Wyoming, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Flint, and Ann Arbor, as well as communities throughout the Upper Peninsula. Contact us at 800-525-6386 or via our online form for a consultation. We also can assist people who need an injury attorney or representation in a criminal defense, real estate, family law, estate planning, or mediation matter. In addition to Michigan, Neumann Law Group serves clients in California, New York, and Massachusetts.