Petoskey OWI Defense Lawyers
OWI and Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers in Petoskey, Michigan
If you are facing operating while intoxicated charges in Petoskey, Michigan, the OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group can help you navigate the criminal justice system and fight for your rights. Under Michigan law, anyone found with a blood alcohol concentration that is more than 0.08 can face operating while intoxicated charges. These limits are lower for people under 21 (if you are under 21 years old, you could face operating while intoxicated charges if you are found to have a blood alcohol concentration above 0.02). For some people, all it takes is one or two drinks to exceed Michigan’s blood alcohol concentration laws. Individuals could face more serious penalties if they are found to have a blood alcohol concentration higher than 0.17.

You could face operated while intoxicating charges even without a positive blood alcohol concentration test. A police officer can arrest or charge you if you show signs of intoxication, inebriation, or drug use. While you do have the right to refuse to submit to a blood or breath alcohol test, refusal has its consequences. If you refuse to take a breath or blood alcohol test, police officers can take away your license on the spot, and your refusal to take the test could be used against you as evidence in court under Michigan’s implied consent laws.
When it comes to gathering evidence and getting convictions when police suspect a person has been drinking and driving or operating while intoxicated, police have many options and resources at their disposal. If you’re facing an operating while intoxicated arrest or charge in Petoskey, Michigan, you may want to speak to an OWI defense lawyer at the Neumann Law Group as soon as possible. Our OWI defense attorneys in Petoskey, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to help you navigate your defense. We can help you negotiate a plea deal, review any plea deal being offered, and in some cases, fight your charges, or seek to have your OWI charges dropped or reduced. Contact the OWI defense attorneys in Petoskey, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group today to learn more.
What are the Consequences of an OWI in Petoskey, Michigan?
The consequences of an OWI will depend on several factors. While state law sets limits on fines, jail time, and other consequences, there might be some room for a judge to make a judgement call regarding sentencing and consequences. Here are some questions your OWI defense lawyer might ask when helping you evaluate the potential consequences of your OWI:
- Is this your first-time OWI or have you been convicted or arrested in the past?
- Do you have a criminal record or other drug charges?
- Were you found to have a high BAC? If your BAC was above 0.17, you could face enhanced penalties.
- Were you driving while intoxicated with children in the car?
- Were you involved in an accident?
- If you were involved in an accident, did someone get hurt?
- Do you have a substance abuse addiction? Have you received treatment? Are you willing to receive treatment?
- Do you hold licensure or a job position that could be impacted negatively by an OWI conviction?
- Are you under 21 years of age?
- Do you hold a commercial driver’s license?
- Were you charged or arrested for your OWI while operating a commercial vehicle?
These are just some things that might factor into your sentencing or consequences. An OWI conviction can also carry other serious consequences known as collateral consequences. These consequences can include increased car insurance rates, loss of certain federal or local government programs, loss of financial aid and access to student loans if you are student, loss of access to federal or government housing, deportation if you are in the country on a visa or green card, and more.
The consequences of an OWI can be serious. You could be facing jail time, high fines, community service, and points on your driver’s license, not to mention the damage to your reputation. If you are facing an OWI charge, you need a lawyer who is committed to helping you get the best possible outcome for your case. The OWI defense attorneys in Petoskey, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to help you every step of the way.
Should I Take an OWI Plea Deal?
Very often, individuals who have been charged with operating while intoxicated might be offered a plea deal. Plea deals can sometimes come with what might seem to be attractive benefits. Prosecutors might reduce your jail sentence or eliminate your jail sentence altogether. Yet, pleading guilty to an OWI can carry some serious collateral consequences, not to mention potentially leave you with a misdemeanor criminal record, and damaged reputation. Before you take a plea deal, you might want to speak to the OWI defense lawyers in Petoskey, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group. Our OWI defense attorneys can review the plea deal being offered, review the evidence police have against you, and help you decide the best next step. Sometimes police might offer plea deals but may not have strong evidence. In some cases, it might be in a person’s best interests to fight their charges in court, especially if they are innocent. There are cases where roadside drug or alcohol tests can produce flawed or incorrect results, and where a person may have a medical condition that could result in a police officer making an arrest in error.
If you are being offered a plea deal for your OWI, consider reaching out to the OWI defense lawyers in Petoskey, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group today. We can review your case and help you understand the consequences of accepting the deal. We can also negotiate with prosecutors if a better deal is possible. Finally, we can evaluate your case to help you understand what fighting in court might mean for you.
How Can I Contact a Petoskey, Michigan OWI Defense Attorney?
The OWI defense law firm in Petoskey, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 800-525-6386. Our OWI defense attorneys understand that individuals can be arrested at all times of the day or night. If you’ve been arrested, you have the right to remain silent and have the right to contact your lawyer. Give our OWI defense lawyers a call.