Northport OWI Defense Lawyers
OWI and Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers in Northport, Michigan
The Northport, Michigan OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group help defend the rights of individuals facing OWI charges or arrest. If you have been arrested on the suspicion of an OWI or are facing charges, it is important to note that you are innocent until proven guilty. You have the right to remain silent and have the right to ask to speak to your Northport, Michigan OWI defense lawyer.
When police officers stop someone on the suspicion of an OWI, they have access to the full resources of the law to gather evidence and get a conviction. For example, police officers have the ability to ask drivers to submit to a breath or blood alcohol test. Refusal to take a breath or blood alcohol test if you have been stopped under the suspicion of driving while under the influence could result in the automatic suspension of your driver’s license. While you still have the right to refuse to submit to blood or breath alcohol tests, the consequences of refusing to take these tests can be immense. Refusing to submit to these tests might not only result in the loss of your driver’s license, but your refusal might also be used as evidence against you in court. If you are facing charges for an OWI, reach out to the Northport OWI defense lawyers today. Our attorneys are here to help you navigate the criminal justice system to help you get the best possible outcome for your case.
What are the Consequences of an OWI in Northport, Michigan?
The consequences of an OWI can be serious, even if this is just your first OWI conviction. Consequences can include:
- Fines
- Jail time
- Community Service
- Driver’s License Suspension
- Points on Your Driver’s License
These are just the formal consequences of an OWI. You could also face collateral consequences, which can include increased insurance rates, loss of certain professional licenses, loss of access to certain federal benefits, and even deportation for some residents and visa holders. If you are concerned about any of the potential consequences of an OWI if you are facing OWI charges in Northport, Michigan, you’ll want to speak to an OWI defense lawyer as soon as possible. The Northport OWI defense lawyer at the Neumann Law Group can review the details of the charges and evidence against you. We can help you negotiate a plea deal or help you fight your charges.
Understanding the implications of your plea deal is important. We can help you understand the consequences of taking a plea deal and the likelihood of victory if you fight your case in court. Every OWI case is unique. Speak to the Northport OWI defense attorneys at the Neumann Law Group today. We are here to help.
What are Some OWI Defenses?
Your OWI defense lawyer may be able to help you defend your innocence using OWI defense strategies. Every case is unique and defenses that might work in some cases might not be applicable in others. If you have questions about what OWI defense might be right for you, reach out to the OWI defense attorneys at the Neumann Law Group today to learn more and to explore your options. Here are some common OWI defenses:
- Civil Rights Violations. Police officers must have probable cause in order to stop you for an OWI. They must either have reasonable suspicion that you have broken the law or believe you were driving in a way that posed a risk to public safety. The OWI lawyers in Northport, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to review your case and help you take the next steps if your civil rights were violated.
- Breath or Blood Test Failures. Sometimes police officers fail to properly calibrate breathalyzers. Some drug tests are known to be defective and to produce false positives. Your Northport, Michigan OWI lawyer at the Neumann Law Group can review the evidence gathered against you and the tests used to help you fight for your innocence if there were issues with testing or methods of gathering evidence.
- Medical Issues. Sometimes people have medical conditions that makes it appear that they are drunk. If a medical condition resulted in bias and your wrongful conviction, the OWI defense lawyers in Northport, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group may be able to help you.
- You Weren’t Driving. Sometimes people sleep in their cars while waiting to sober up. If you were caught sleeping in your car, police officers can sometimes claim that you had the intent to drink and drive, even though you had no intention of driving while under the influence. If this situation describes your OWI arrest, the OWI defense lawyers in Northport, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group may be able to help you and fight your case.
These are just some of the OWI defenses available. Even if your OWI defense lawyer isn’t able to use one of these defenses, your OWI defense attorney may be able to help you negotiate a plea deal or help you get your charges reduced or dropped through other means. The OWI defense attorneys in Northport, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to help. We can review your case, help you explore your options, and develop a plan for your OWI defense.
How Can I Contact a Northport, Michigan OWI Defense Lawyer?
The Northport, Michigan OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group can be reached by calling 800-525-6386. We understand that people can face OWI charges at all hours of the day or night. We have people waiting to take your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact our OWI defense lawyers today to learn more and take the next steps. Protect your innocence, your reputation, and your future. Contact an OWI defense lawyer today.