Maple City OWI Defense Lawyers
OWI and Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers in Maple City, Michigan
The Maple City, Michigan OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group are here to help you if you have been arrested or charged with an OWI. Michigan has very strict laws regarding the operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated. If police believe you were operating while intoxicated, or if you were arrested after blowing more than 0.08 on a blood or breath alcohol test, you could be facing serious OWI consequences. Consequences of a first-time OWI can include fines up to $500, up to 93 days in jail, 360 hours of community service, up to 180 days license suspension, and points on your driver’s license. These consequences don’t even begin to account for the collateral consequences of an OWI. These consequences can include significantly higher costs for insurance coverage, loss of certain professional licenses, damaged reputation, inability to travel abroad due to restrictions imposed on those with criminal records, and even deportation if you are living in the U.S. on a green card or other type of visa.
The consequences of an OWI can be significant. When you have been charged with an OWI, your reputation, your freedom, and even your future may be on the line. With so much at stake, you need an OWI defense attorney in Maple City, Michigan with a proven track record of defending clients and getting results. The outcome of your OWI charges will depend on the evidence against you, whether this is a first-time or subsequent OWI, and whether you qualify for a plea deal. The OWI defense lawyers in Maple City, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to help you navigate the criminal justice system and are here to protect your rights.
Should I Take an OWI Plea Deal in Maple City, Michigan?
In many instances, prosecutors may offer individuals charged with an OWI a plea deal. On the surface, these deals may seem attractive. By pleading guilty, you may be able to avoid jail time, and sometimes some of the other serious consequences of an OWI. Yet, before you accept a plea deal, you may still want to speak to an OWI lawyer in Maple City, Michigan. By agreeing to take a plea deal, you could still end up having a criminal record and the collateral consequences of a criminal record. The OWI defense lawyers in Maple City, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can review your plea deal, help you understand your options and rights, and help you navigate or mitigate against, the potential consequences. In some instances, our OWI defense lawyers in Maple City may be able to negotiate you a better plea deal. In other instances, our lawyers can help you navigate the process of accepting the terms of a given plea deal.
Before you accept a plea bargain here are some questions your OWI defense lawyer can explore with you:
- Are there other alternatives? Sometimes the courts may offer reduced sentences or dropped sentences if individuals agree to attend drug and alcohol treatment programs. Are there any alternative programs available?
- If you fight the case in court, is a conviction likely? Your Maple City, Michigan OWI lawyer can review the evidence police have gathered against you to determine whether you would be likely to be convicted. Your OWI defense lawyer may be able to build a strong case if your civil rights were violated or if the evidence is weak. For example, sometimes OWI breath tests have flaws. There have also been instances where people have been charged with an OWI even after blowing 0.0 on a breathalyzer. In other cases, police may have stopped a driver illegally. The OWI defense lawyers in Maple City, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can review your case and help you evaluate whether fighting your charges in court is a good idea. A big thing to consider are the consequences of losing your case if you take it to trial. If the consequences aren’t much different than the plea deal being offered, it might make sense to pursue the trial or try to negotiate a better plea deal. Prosecutors often offer plea deals because they don’t want the state to shoulder the costs in terms of time and money of going to trial. You and your OWI defense lawyer may be able to push for a better plea deal and help the state avoid trial.
- Are there important collateral consequences to consider? Collateral consequences can have an impact on your life. Even if taking a plea deal might result in no jail time, you could end up with consequences that might impact your life significantly. Individuals who are in the U.S. on a green card, for example, could face deportation or other issues if they end up with a criminal record. Individuals with certain commercial licenses, like a commercial driver’s license, could risk losing their license with an OWI conviction. Other collateral consequences could include loss of access to certain federal aid programs, housing assistance, and student loans. For some individuals, these collateral consequences might be negligible. But if you’re young and thinking of going to college, if you are a recipient of certain federal aid programs, or if you hold a commercial license or visa that could be revoked, the collateral consequences can be a big deal.
- What is the nature of the plea deal? An OWI defense lawyer in Maple City, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can look closely at the plea deal being offered and help you understand exactly what you’ll stand to gain because of the plea deal. What is the prosecutor offering? Are they offering reduced charges? Are they offering to drop your charges? Are they offering to reduce or eliminate jail time? The OWI defense lawyer in Maple City at the Neumann Law Group can help you understand what’s at stake, and help you decide whether to take the deal or not.
These are just some of the questions you may want to ask before you take the plea. The OWI defense lawyers in Maple City, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can help you navigate the process and help you determine whether taking a plea deal is right for you. Contact the Maple City, Michigan OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group today.
How Can I Reach a Maple City, Michigan OWI Defense Lawyer?
The Maple City, Michigan OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group can be reached at 800-525-6386. Contact us today. We have someone available to answer the phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.