Leland OWI Defense Lawyers
OWI and Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers in Leland, Michigan
The OWI defense lawyers in Leland, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can help you navigate the criminal justice system if you have been arrested or charged with an OWI. The consequences of an OWI conviction can be severe. You could end up with a jail sentence, heavy fines, a lost driver’s license, and other collateral consequences. Individuals who have been convicted of an OWI can end up paying as much as 80% more in car insurance for years after their conviction, and that doesn’t even begin to account for the fines and fees of fighting a conviction, the costs of getting a license reinstated, the formal fines you’ll face, or the cost of paying to have an ignition interlock device installed to get your driving privileges back with restrictions. If the costs aren’t bad enough, the reputational damage of having an OWI on your record can haunt you for years to come and even affect your future opportunities.
If you have been arrested or charged with an OWI, you might be understandably overwhelmed. The OWI defense lawyers in Leland, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to help. Our operating while intoxicated defense lawyers can review your case, look at the evidence gathered against you, and help you understand your options. Sometimes it makes sense to negotiate a plea deal with prosecutors. In other cases, the evidence suggests fighting the charges in court. The OWI defense lawyers in Leland, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can look closely at your case, help you understand your options, and work with you every step of the way.
What Does it Take to Get My Driver’s License Back After a Leland, Michigan OWI?
If you lost your driver’s license because of an OWI, you might be wondering how you can get your driver’s license reinstated. Drivers can lose their license because their blood alcohol levels, or breath alcohol levels exceeded the legal limit. They can also automatically lose their driver’s license if they refuse to take a breath or blood test under Michigan’s implied consent laws. Losing your driver’s license can have major consequences on your life, especially if you use your car to drive to work. Under Michigan law, you may be able to get your license reinstated with restrictions. And if you lost your license due to implied consent laws, you may be able to schedule a hearing to get your license reinstated.
If you are convicted of an OWI, you could lose your driver’s license, but you may be able to petition the court to let you drive with certain restrictions. A restricted license would only permit you to drive to work or school, or to alcohol or drug treatment programs. You might also need to install an ignition interlock device which requires you to take an alcohol breath test every time you get behind the wheel. The Leland, Michigan OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group can help you navigate the bureaucratic and legal requirements to potentially get your driver’s license reinstated or restored with restrictions. Of course, whether you’ll be able to get your license back will depend on the nature of your charges and whether this is a first-time or subsequent offense. The Leland, Michigan OWI defense attorneys at the Neumann Law Group are here to help.
Should I Take an OWI Plea Deal?
Sometimes prosecutors offer individuals a plea deal if they are facing OWI charges. A plea deal could result in reduced charges, reduced sentencing, and more. Yet, before you accept any plea deal you might want to first speak to a Leland, Michigan OWI defense lawyer. When you plead guilty to a crime, it often means you’ll end up with a criminal record. A Leland, Michigan OWI defense lawyer may be able to negotiate with prosecutors to help you get a better deal or fight to have your charges reduced or dropped. Every OWI case is unique, and your options will depend on the strength of the state’s case against you, whether this is a first-time or subsequent OWI, and whether your OWI involved injuries or property damage.
It can feel overwhelming to face criminal charges and the thought of jail time, but before you take a plea, you might want to speak to a Leland, Michigan OWI defense lawyer at the Neumann Law Group. You are innocent until proven guilty and have the right to speak to a lawyer before you sign anything or admit guilt. You might not want to sign away your rights before your attorney has had a chance to review your case. When you’re facing an OWI charge, so much more is on the line than just jail time. If you are convicted, you could face the loss of professional licenses, loss of your ability to leave the country for travel, and other restrictions. For immigrants, the collateral consequences can even be more severe, and in the most serious cases, can even result in deportation.
When your reputation and future is on the line, you need an OWI defense lawyer in Leland, Michigan ready to fight for your rights. The OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group are here to review your case and help you take the next steps. You don’t have to navigate the criminal justice system alone.
How Can I Contact an OWI Defense Lawyer in Leland, Michigan?
The OWI defense lawyers in Leland, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can be reached at 800-525-6386. We have someone available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer your call. We understand that OWI charges can happen at all hours of the day or night. We have someone available to take your call and offer guidance on the next steps.