Lake Leelanau OWI Defense Lawyers
OWI Defense Lawyers and Drunk Driving Defense in Lake Leelanau, Michigan
If you have been arrested for an OWI in Lake Leelanau, Michigan, you might have many questions about what steps you should take next. OWI charges are serious. An OWI conviction can result in the suspension of your driver’s license, jail time, fines, and obligatory community service. These consequences don’t even begin to account for the additional collateral consequences individuals face after an OWI conviction. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a first-time OWI offense can cost you on average $10,000 in legal fees and other fines. Insurance rates after an OWI can go up by as much as 80%.
If you have been arrested for an OWI, you may want to speak to the Lake Leelanau OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group. Our attorneys can review your case, evaluate the evidence police and prosecutors have gathered, negotiate a plea deal with prosecutors, and in some cases even fight to have your charges reduced or dropped. After an OWI arrest, you might be offered a plea deal. While it might be tempting to take the plea, and put an end to your troubles, you might want to speak to an OWI defense lawyer before you accept any deal. Pleading guilty to an OWI can carry some serious consequences that can include a criminal record. It can affect your ability to get certain jobs, receive certain government benefits, and even impede your ability to travel outside the country. Speak to the Lake Leelanau, Michigan OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group today to learn more. When your freedom and your reputation are on the line, you need strong representation.
Should I Take an OWI Plea Deal?
Every DUI case is unique and it’s impossible to know whether you should take an OWI plea deal without reviewing the strength of the state’s case against you. Whether you should take an OWI plea deal will depend on many factors. Some question your OWI defense lawyer might explore when determining whether a plea deal is right for you include:
- Is this your first-time or subsequent OWI and would you face potentially more serious charges if you were to fight your OWI in court?
- Does the state have strong evidence against you (namely, breath, blood, or roadside tests clearly indicate that you were operating while intoxicated)?
- Are prosecutors offering you reduced charges that would help you avoid facing some of the more serious collateral consequences of an OWI?
- Were there issues with your arrest (civil rights violations, for example) that might impact your case?
- Is there room to negotiate an even better plea deal?
These are just some of the questions your OWI defense lawyer can help you answer to determine whether taking a plea deal is right for you. At the end of the day, only you can decide whether to take a plea deal. Your OWI lawyer can help you understand the legal consequences you might face if you accept or reject any given deal. An OWI defense lawyer in Lake Leelanau, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group may also be able to review your plea deal and possibly negotiate a better deal. Whether your lawyer will be able to improve upon your offered deal will depend on many factors which can include whether this is your first-time OWI, whether you have a clean criminal record, and other factors that might be able to strengthen your case.
Can Even One Drink Result in an OWI in Michigan?
Even one drink can result in OWI arrest and charges in Michigan. If you are under 21 years old and your blood or breath test is above 0.02, you could be arrested for an OWI under Michigan’s zero tolerance policy. Your blood alcohol level can exceed 0.02 after even just one drink. Everyone’s tolerance is different. Some people will need more than one drink to exceed Michigan’s BAC limit of 0.08, but others might exceed it after only one or two drinks, especially if the drinks were strong. Factors like your weight, whether you ate food when you drank, and individual biology and metabolism can also affect how your body processes alcohol.
Refusing to take a breath or blood test can result in the immediate suspension of your driver’s license. Even if you’ve only had one drink, you might still be showing signs of impaired driving. Police don’t have to get a test result of 0.08 to arrest you. You could be arrested just for showing signs of impairment. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, at even 0.02 a person could struggle to track objects with their eyes, and experience a decline in vision, which can impact driving. At 0.05, which is still below the 0.08 legal limit, individuals can show signs of reduced coordination, difficulty driving, and reduced emergency response when driving. Refusing to take a blood or alcohol test might not result in a better outcome, because officers can suspend your license on the spot and use other evidence to suggest that your BAC was above 0.08. The behaviors of someone with a 0.05 BAC and a 0.08 BAC are very similar, after all.
If you have been arrested for an OWI in Lake Leelanau, Michigan even if you only had one drink, the OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group may be able to help you. Underage OWI convictions can carry serious lifelong consequences for young drivers. And even if you are not underage and are facing OWI charges, the consequences on your life can be very serious. Contact the Lake Leelanau, Michigan OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group today to learn more about how we might be able to help you fight your charges.
How Can I Reach an OWI Defense Lawyer in Lake Leelanau, Michigan?
The OWI defense attorneys in Lake Leelanau, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can be reached at 800-525-6386. We are available around the clock to take your call. If you’ve been arrested, you have the right to remain silent and have the right to ask to speak to an attorney. You may want to contact an OWI defense lawyer as soon as possible.