Kalkaska OWI Defense Lawyers
OWI and Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers in Kalkaska, Michigan
The OWI defense lawyers in Kalkaska, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can help you fight your charges or negotiate with prosecutors if you have been arrested or charged with an OWI. The consequences of an OWI can be serious. Not only might you be facing jail time, but you might also be facing the loss of your driver’s license. The collateral consequences of an OWI can also be very serious. You could end up with a criminal record that can impact your ability to travel outside the country, impact your professional license, impact your ability to access certain federal aid programs, and even impact your immigration status.
You could face OWI charges if your blood alcohol level exceeded 0.08 or if you exhibited behavior of driving while intoxicated. Individuals under 21 years of age could face OWI arrest if they have any detectable levels of alcohol in their system. You could also face OWI charges if you were using drugs or even were on prescription drugs that impacted your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.

If you are facing an OWI charge or have been arrested for an OWI, you have rights. For example, you have the right to remain silent. If you are asked to submit to a breath or blood alcohol test, you do have the right to refuse, but under Michigan’s implied consent laws, refusing to submit to these tests will result in the suspension of your driver’s license. Refusal to submit to a breath or blood test could also be used against you as evidence in trial. You also have the right to ask to speak to your OWI defense lawyer. If you are facing OWI charges, it’s important to take these charges seriously. The OWI defense lawyers in Kalkaska, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to help. An OWI conviction can impact your reputation, your driving privileges, and your freedom. With so much at stake, you need a Kalkaska, Michigan OWI defense lawyer at the Neumann Law Group on your side.
What are the Collateral Consequences of an OWI?
The collateral consequences describe the consequences people face after a conviction that aren’t criminal consequences. Criminal consequences include jail time, driver’s license suspension, fines, community service, and a criminal record. Collateral consequences can include:
- Increased insurance rates. In the years following an OWI conviction, you could see your car insurance rates increase by thousands of dollars.
- Lost access to aid programs. You could lose access to public housing assistance, federal student loan programs, and other federal aid programs if you have an OWI conviction on your record.
- Loss of your professional license. If you are a commercial truck driver or drive a commercial vehicle, you could lose your commercial driver’s license. Individuals could also face the loss or suspension of other professional licenses if they are convicted of an OWI.
- Deportation. Non-citizens who are convicted of an OWI in Michigan can face issues with their immigration status if they have a criminal conviction.
These are just some of the collateral consequences you could face if you are convicted of an OWI. The OWI defense lawyers in Kalkaska, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can review your case, help you understand how the collateral consequences might impact you personally, and can help you chart a path forward. By taking a plea deal, you might be able to avoid some of the more serious collateral consequences of an OWI, especially if a plea deal results in dropped or reduced charges. If you have questions, reach out to the OWI defense lawyers in Kalkaska, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group today.
How Can I Fight an OWI Charge in Kalkaska, Michigan?
Police officers have many options when it comes to gathering evidence if they suspect that you were driving while intoxicated in Kalkaska, Michigan. For example, if you refuse to submit to a breath or blood test, under Michigan’s implied consent laws, you could lose your driver’s license, and your refusal could be submitted as evidence against you in trial. Your options for fighting an OWI charge in Kalkaska, Michigan will depend on the evidence against you, whether this is your first-time OWI, or subsequent OWI, and how much alcohol was found in your system when you were arrested. The OWI defense lawyers in Kalkaska, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can review your case, help you understand your rights and options, and even help you negotiate a plea deal with prosecutors.
If you’ve been offered a plea deal, it could sometimes be tempting to take it, especially if the plea deal results in little to no jail time. But before you accept a plea, you may want to speak to a Kalkaska, Michigan OWI defense lawyer at the Neumann Law Group. Sometimes a plea deal might result in no jail time but may require you to plead guilty to an OWI, which can result in collateral consequences.
Our OWI defense lawyers can review your case, help you understand the consequences of the plea deal, and help you take the next steps. In some cases, our OWI defense lawyers in Kalkaska, Michigan may be able to help you negotiate a better plea bargain. Reach out to the Kalkaska, Michigan OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group today.
How Can I Contact an OWI Defense Lawyer in Kalkaska, Michigan
OWI charges and arrests can happen at any time of the day or night. The OWI defense lawyers in Kalkaska, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to take your call at 800-525-6386, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We can listen to your story, help you understand your rights, and assist you with taking the next steps. You don’t have to navigate the criminal justice system alone. Reach out to the Kalkaska, Michigan OWI defense attorneys at the Neumann Law Group today.