Cadillac OWI Defense Lawyers
OWI and Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers in Cadillac, Michigan
If you have been arrested or are facing charges for operating while intoxicated, the OWI defense lawyers in Cadillac, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to help. You may have many questions if you have been charged with an OWI. You might have been offered a plea deal or may wonder if a plea deal might be possible. You might be wondering what kind of consequences you might face because of your arrest. The Cadillac, Michigan OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group can help you navigate the criminal justice system and help you make informed decisions about your next move.

What are the Consequences of an OWI in Cadillac, Michigan?
The consequences of an OWI in Cadillac, Michigan will depend on whether this is if your first OWI, how much you were drinking, and other major factors like whether other people were injured, whether there were minors in the vehicle, and even facts about you past, like whether you have prior convictions or arrests. For a first-time OWI where the BAC is below 0.17, you could face fines up to $500, up to 93 days in jail, up to 360 hours of community service, and driver’s license suspension up to 180 days. These consequences don’t include the collateral consequences of being convicted of an OWI, that can include increased insurance rates, loss of professional licensure, deportation or immigration issues if you are in the United States on a visa or green card, loss of financial and federal aid for higher education, housing, and more.
Many people who face a first-time OWI can avoid some of the more serious consequences of an OWI, like jail time, by taking a plea deal, or by agreeing to attend drug and alcohol classes and receiving treatment. The options you’ll have will depend on your situation. An OWI defense lawyer in Cadillac, Michigan can look closely at the charges you are facing, look at your driving and criminal record, and negotiate with prosecutors to help you get the best possible deal. In some instances, an OWI defense lawyer in Cadillac, Michigan might even be able to fight to get your charges dropped or reduced.
If you have questions about the consequences you might face after an OWI arrest, consider reaching out to the OWI defense lawyers in Cadillac, Michigan today. Our operating while intoxicated attorneys are here to help.
Can an OWI Lawyer Get My Charges Dropped?
An OWI defense lawyer in Cadillac, Michigan can review the evidence police have gathered in your case. When it comes to OWI charges and arrest, police are granted great authority to gather evidence. For example, if you refuse to submit to a breath or blood alcohol test in Michigan and have been stopped under the suspicion of an OWI, you could lose your driver’s license for refusing to take the test, and your refusal could potentially be used as evidence against you in court. In many OWI cases, police will either have a positive breath of blood alcohol test or have your refusal on record along with any behaviors you exhibited during your stop or before your stop as evidence.
There are some circumstances where an OWI lawyer might be able to fight your OWI charges. For example, if your stop violated your civil rights in any way, or if police didn’t have valid reasons to stop you in the first place, then an OWI lawyer might be able to fight to get your OWI charges dropped. If you were sleeping behind the wheel to sober up, your OWI defense lawyer may be able to show that you had no intention of driving. Finally, there are rare cases where people have medical conditions that can result in slurred speech or fail certain roadside tests. If you have such a medical condition, your OWI lawyer may be able to fight your charges.
Every OWI case is unique, and the options available to you will depend largely on the facts of your case. When your reputation, your rights, and even your freedom is on the line, you need an OWI defense lawyer in Cadillac, Michigan on your side. The Neumann Law Group is an operating while intoxicated law firm in Cadillac, Michigan that fights for the rights of the innocent, and can fight for you if you are facing OWI charges.
What Should I Do If I’m Arrested?
If you have been arrested for an OWI, you have the right to remain silent and have the right to ask to speak to your attorney. Arrest is not the same as a conviction. You are innocent until proven guilty.
If you are asked to submit to a breath or blood alcohol test, keep in mind that refusing to take a test has consequences. Under Michigan’s implied consent laws your license can be taken away on the spot if you refuse to take a blood or breath alcohol test when police suspect that you have been drinking and driving or operating while intoxicated. Refusal to take a test can also be used as evidence against you in court.
If you have questions about your rights or are facing OWI charges, you may want to contact the OWI defense lawyers in Cadillac, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group. We have someone available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to take your call. We can be reached at 800-525-6386.
How Can I Contact a Cadillac, Michigan OWI Defense Lawyer?
The Cadillac, Michigan OWI defense law firm, the Neumann Law Group has someone available around the clock to take your call if you have questions about your OWI arrest or charges. We can be reached at 800-525-6386. If you’ve been arrested, anything you say or do can be used against you in court. The OWI defense attorneys in Cadillac, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can take the time to learn more about your case and help you explore your options and the next steps. Contact us today to learn more.