
Experienced Lansing Attorneys Dedicated to Helping Injured Individuals

Lansing is the capital of Michigan State. Located in Ingham County, it has a population of around 114,000 residents. It is the fifth largest city in Michigan. Often referred to as “Mid-Michigan,” Lansing is home to a number of post-secondary educational institutions including Western Michigan University and Michigan State University. The city is also where the Michigan State Capitol, the state Supreme Court, and the Court of Appeals is located. Lansing offers residents and visitors many attractions such as the Potter Park Zoo, the Michigan Historical Museum and the Old Town. With all that’s going on in Lansing, accidents are common, and people can be hurt or killed by the negligent actions of irresponsible parties. If you’ve been injured in Lansing through an accident that was not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation. At the Neumann Law Group, our skilled Lansing injury lawyers can assess the merits of your case and determine the viability of your claim.

Recovering Damages for Your Injury Through the Michigan Courts

Injuries that qualify for a personal injury lawsuit have many different causes, including car accidents, slip and fall accidents, medical errors, truck accidents, work injuries, construction accidents, pedestrian accidents, nursing home negligence and more. The dedicated Lansing personal injury attorneys at Neumann Law Group specialize in injury cases and can advise and represent you in pursuing a claim for damages after an incident.

Under Michigan law, most personal injury cases are pursued under a negligence theory of liability. To win a negligence claim, the injured person must show the following: that the defendant owed him or her a duty to exercise reasonable care; that the defendant breached this duty; that his or her injuries were a reasonably foreseeable result of the defendant’s breach; and that the person suffered compensable injuries. Reasonable care is defined as how a prudent person would act in the same or similar circumstances. For example, in the context of an automobile accident, drivers owe other drivers on the road a duty to drive safety and not endanger others on the road. Thus, an individual injured in a car wreck may be able to claim negligence if the party who caused the accident failed to drive using reasonable care and directly caused the harm. Our skilled accident lawyers understand how to convince a court that all of the elements of a negligence claim are met.

When people are injured at work, many times, the only legal action they can take against the employer or co-worker is a claim for “workers’ compensation.” An individual who is hurt at work may also have a viable claim against a third party, such as the manufacturer of unsafe equipment, the owner of the property where the harm took place, or against another company whose employee caused the injury. For example, if you were hurt by a colleague operating a crane, you will typically be able to recover workers’ compensation benefits. However, if the crane was being operated by an independent contractor or employee of another company, you may be able to recover additional damages against the crane operator as well as his or her employer. In the event of a work accident where your employer was grossly negligent, or intentionally caused an injury, you may be entitled to pursue a personal injury case against your employer directly.

Consult an Experienced Accident Lawyer in Lansing

If you have been injured due to another person’s recklessness, you have rights. At the Neumann Law Group, our reputable Lansing accident attorneys have the skill, dedication and competence to handle your personal injury claim. We will scrutinize the facts of your case and provide you with an honest assessment of your damages. You can rest assured that we will zealously advocate for your rights throughout the entire legal journey – whether it is during a settlement negotiation or in the courtroom. While a substantial part of our practice is devoted to personal injury cases, we also handle criminal defense, real estate, estate planning, family law, collections and mediations. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us online or call us toll free at (800) 525-6386. We have many communities served throughout Michigan out of our Grand Rapids, Traverse City, and Detroit offices. We also have offices in Los Angeles, New York, and Boston to offer legal services from coast-to-coast.

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